Howdy folks, thanks for stopping by. This will be an ongoing effort to keep an up to date listing of places I have stopped for overnights. In order to make it more usable, I will be using labels for the posts and will enable searching by label. Labels I intend to use are for: State, County, Vault(if it has), Primitive (if no facilities at all), Water (if near enough to walk to), Noise level, Pet friendly, Fishing, Hiking, Road condition. If I think of more that are needed, will add them at that time :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Revisiting an old and Favorite area near Rye, Az

Barnhardt trailhead area.. Has to be one of my favorite late winter, early spring camping areas..

I love how open it is, and how peaceful it can be.. This time, I went to an area that is further up the access road than in prior visits, since I was in a smaller truck with 4wd just in case it got muddy..

Wildflowers hadnt yet started blooming there, but I do enjoyed just being there in the quiet and wide open desert!!  As you can see, I've begun tent camping now.  I found the small truck to be to cramped with my gear, Me, and Tori... so decided that I needed more space.. the bad thing about the box truck was that I got used to having everything with me, and I'm still learning how to break that habit!!

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