Howdy folks, thanks for stopping by. This will be an ongoing effort to keep an up to date listing of places I have stopped for overnights. In order to make it more usable, I will be using labels for the posts and will enable searching by label. Labels I intend to use are for: State, County, Vault(if it has), Primitive (if no facilities at all), Water (if near enough to walk to), Noise level, Pet friendly, Fishing, Hiking, Road condition. If I think of more that are needed, will add them at that time :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

McNary Rd, near Apache Sunrise

Apache Sunrise area

Visually, I think this has been my favorite for a forest camp.IMG_0646

from the first Show low camp, I went through the town of Mcnary on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, and then out the east side of it near the town of Greer, the forest was totally different than that around Show Low, even though it wasn't all that far away in miles.

IMG_0648 The trees were much larger, the woods felt more majestic, and there were open grasslands interspersed in the area. When I pulled off the main road I was greeted by a sign stating that I was now in an Active wolf recovery area (which thrilled me).

it was primitive camping at it's best, no facilities, there were springs nearby, and plenty of space to breath.. it was colder than Show Low, and the only real downside is that I had to deal with mice for the first time! he was a cute little bugger, but frustrated me to no end, and because of him I ended up leaving much sooner than I would have liked to.

I also for the first time heard an Owl during the night, and I would just lay there smiling while he called and hunted.
I will go back once I seal the truck a bit better! there are so many gaps he could get in that it's not feasible for me to keep a mouse out for now. :)   This area is great for walking and looking in the woods, I haven't made it back there as yet, but it’s on my list of favorites Smile

Posted by Steven Ballee' at 8:59 AM

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