Howdy folks, thanks for stopping by. This will be an ongoing effort to keep an up to date listing of places I have stopped for overnights. In order to make it more usable, I will be using labels for the posts and will enable searching by label. Labels I intend to use are for: State, County, Vault(if it has), Primitive (if no facilities at all), Water (if near enough to walk to), Noise level, Pet friendly, Fishing, Hiking, Road condition. If I think of more that are needed, will add them at that time :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Western Arizona, Vicksburg Rd exit off I-10


Ok, have to be honest.. this isnt so much a camp as a place where you can go park for weeks in the winter and pretty much be left alone Smile  and sometimes, that’s just what you need!     View Larger Map


What I did was simple enough, Get off of I-10 at the Vicksburg Rd Exit, and head south into the hardpan desert in the surrounding area.. Once you go over the Cattle guard, your on BLM land.   If you follow that road south, you will come to KOFA NWR, but I didn’t bother to go that far.

Immediately after the Cattle guard there is a left turn into a large flat area of desert, where the surface is hard packed enough to support campers, trailers 18 wheelers.. whatever.. I drove back on that hard surface a ways to be farther from I-10, and parked.  for my walks I would head west into the desert, but I was alone out there, close enough to walk up to the truck stop at the exit if I chose (about a mile) and I was left there alone with one exception, and that was the mechanic from the truck stop coming out after 10 days to make sure I hadn't broke down.. had I wished, I could have followed trails back further away from that area so that I probably wouldn’t have been noticed at all, even with something as big as a box truck.


I came to this spot after being “run out” of the BLM near Quartzsite Az.. and since when you move you have to go at least 25 miles, this suited me well as I think it was 26 <grin> and once here, I never saw any signs of a ranger or enforcement official.  If your looking to be entertained by the surrounding area, or things going on, this wont do it for ya.. but if you are seeking a quiet spot to just let yourself be for a bit.. this is about perfect Smile




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