Howdy folks, thanks for stopping by. This will be an ongoing effort to keep an up to date listing of places I have stopped for overnights. In order to make it more usable, I will be using labels for the posts and will enable searching by label. Labels I intend to use are for: State, County, Vault(if it has), Primitive (if no facilities at all), Water (if near enough to walk to), Noise level, Pet friendly, Fishing, Hiking, Road condition. If I think of more that are needed, will add them at that time :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Paradise Found!

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Howdy folks :)  just sharing a couple pictures of the location I camped last in the Superstition mountains in Arizona.. a beautiful location on the crest of a hill, looking down into a valley.. with all the rain that Az got this winter, everything was so green, and there was an active stream flowing down the hill from camp.. it was just lovely :)



  1. Hi Steve,
    I finally noticed this and followed the link...nice idea of documenting your camps...for others and yourself to remember..Very cool.
    Hope to camp with you again sometime..

  2. Hi there....
    Was wondering if you would share where this is?

    We are "boondockers" , but ended up staying at Lost Duntchman Sate Park. Great scenic park, but not so good for 3 dogs and 2 "rather be on our own| types.
